Wednesday, 27 July 2011

# Adelaide Central Market Watch #23

It's ‘grow-slow’ time for fruit and vegetables and the varieties and prices have not moved much this week. This gives me the opportunity to bring you up to speed on other fantastic products available in the Market.

Fruit and Veg

Stephan from McMahons, S12, recommends celery, beans, mandarins and strawberries as being best buys for quality and price in the Market this week. Ripe, S61, has beautiful Golden Nugget pumpkins $5.99 kg, sweet corn at 3 for $2, champagne melon $2.99kg, pomegranates $2 each, 500gm punnets of snow peas $2 and stringless beans $8.99kg. Cactus, S6, has a great range of 15 fresh herb varieties, including parsley, mint, oregano, marjoram, dill and thyme all $2.50 each. Pick-me-fresh, S49, has a great deal on SA washed Coliban potatoes 5kg bags for $5. Coco's, S21, for fresh lychees $16.99kg and fresh cumquats and a variety of sweet yams $14.95kg.


yams at Coco's

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Coco's Asian vegies

Feast, S15, launched a new product this week. Whole, local, free-range chicken with 10 gms of finely sliced fresh Tasmanian truffle embedded under the skin. A feast sensation! Also take a recipe card to cook and feed up to six people with Feast's whole beef shins $9.99 kg.


The Big Table Big, Big, Breaky is green eggs and ham, scrambled eggs, parsley pesto, prosciutto on buttery toasted sourdough - $12.50.

Truffled free range chicken at Feast

Feast@Central Market

The Big Table

Cactus Herbs


Mylor Bakery is a family business with a simple philosophy. No shortcuts, no nonsense, no glitzy labels and no fancy techniques. Instead, they say the quality of their bread is from long fermentation, gentle handling and the best oven. I bought the fruit loaf from Kate's Patisserie, S50, and it was fantastic - $8 each.


Bruna Carrodis has the only Bienenstich in the market. The famed Barossa Bee Sting cake is made in her family bakery, Enjoy, and delivered daily to Bakers Tray, S25. Bruna's version of Bienenstich is a cake filled with sweet, gooey custard and topped with honey-glazed almonds. The name has mixed historical derivations, including the bakers’ being stung whilst stealing the honey for the almond topping and bakers who lobbed beehives at raiders from neighbouring villages. For great a photographic recipe visit

Bakers Tray

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